Our Cardinal Journey

Life can change in a matter of minutes. Ours did when my youngest brother was involved in a motorcycle accident and suffered a traumatic brain injury. Luckily, with a strong foundation in healthcare, we were able to direct hospitalizations, post-acute, rehabilitation, and long-term living arrangements. This experience became my “why” to help others navigate options with individualized healthcare needs.

My Father was on dialysis for many years and passed away a few years after my brother’s accident. My Mom experienced a Cardinal coming to her window many times since my Father's passing. She believes the Cardinal to be my Dad coming to visit.

A Cardinal mark is not only a fundamental navigational means, but from my experience, a Cardinal is a visitor from Heaven, a symbol of reassurance during restless times. We at Cardinal Senior Living Advisors aim to help our families navigate options during difficult times, providing peace and comfort during the process.

Cardinal Senior Living Advisors are comprised of local long-term care experts helping our families navigate senior living options from a birds' eye view.

Kim Krunkle


President, Co-Founder